
Conference and Exhibition: March 3-7, 2003

Munich, Germany

Call for Participation

Scope of the Event

The sixth DATE conference and exhibition is the main European event bringing together design automation researchers, users and vendors, as well as specialists in the design, test and manufacturing of electronic systems and circuits.

Structure of the Event

The five day event consists of a conference with plenary invited papers, regular papers, posters, panels, tutorials, and master courses as well as a commercial exhibition showing the state-of-the-art in design and test tools, methodologies, IP and design services. The organization of a designer forum, user group meetings, fringe meetings, a university booth, hands-on tutorials, vendor presentations and social events offer a wide variety of extra opportunities to meet and exchange information on relevant issues for the design and test community.

Areas of Interest

Within the scope of the conference, the main areas of interest are: Design methodologies, CAD languages, algorithms and tools, Testing of electronic systems, and Designer experiences. Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to:

System Design Methods Analog and Mixed-Signal Design
System Design Methods Simulation and Emulation
Modelling and Design Languages Architectural Level Synthesis
Formal Verification Logic Synthesis
Platform Based design, IP Reuse Physical Design and Verification
HW/SW Co-Design Interconnect Modelling, EMC
Embedded System Design Test and Design for Testability
Reconfigurable Computing Testing Cores and Systems
Design of Low Power System  

Designers' Forum

As in previous years, a special track for papers presenting design experiences will be organised. Please watch the conference web site for special instructions.

Submission of Papers

Papers have to be submitted electronically before September 8th, 2002 via the conference web page http://www.date-conference.com/

Conference Secretariat

European Conferences

3 Coates Place,
Edinburgh, EH3 7AA, UK
Tel: +44-131-225-2892 
Fax: +44-131-225-2925

Email: sue.menzies@ec.u-net.com

Exhibition Secretariat

EDA Exhibitions Ltd.

63/66 Hatton Garden,
London, EC1N 8SR, UK
Tel: +44-20-7681-1000 
Fax: +44-20-7242-5124

Email: exhibitions@edaltd.co.uk


General Chair: Diederik Verkest, IMEC, Belgium <verkest@imec.be>
Program Chair: Norbert Wehn, University of Kaiserslautern, Germany <wehn@eit.uni-kl.de>